This program helps you cut a 'locus' from a larger genetic context (e.g., contigs, genomes). By default, anvi'o will locate a user-defined anchor gene, extend its selection upstream and downstream based on the ânum-genes argument, then extract the locus to create a new contigs database. The anchor gene must be provided as âsearch-term, âgene-caller-ids, or âhmm-sources. If âflank-mode is designated, you MUST provide TWO flanking genes that define the locus region (Please see âflank-mode help for more information). If everything goes as plan, anvi'o will give you individual locus contigs databases for every matching anchor gene found in the original contigs database provided. Enjoy your mini contigs databases!.
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This program lets you export selections of your contigs-db around all occurances of a user-defined anchor gene.
The output of this is a folder that contains a separate contigs-db for the region around each hit of the anchor gene. (In fact, youâll get a FASTA file, contigs-db, profile-db, and a copy of the runlog).
For example, you could specify the recognition site for a specific enzyme and use this program to pull out all potential sites where that enzyme could bind.
Youâll need to provide a contigs-db (of course), as well as the name of the output directory and a prefix to use when naming all of the output databases.
You can define the region of interest either by defining the two flanking genes or by searching for an anchor gene and defining a number of genes around this gene that you want to look at. For example, if you set num-genes
as 1, then each locus will contain the gene of interest, a gene upstream of it, and a gene downstream of it, for a total of three genes.
There are four ways to indicate the desired anchor gene:
Provide a search term in the functional annotations of all of your genes. (If youâre trying to find a gene with a vague function, you might want to use anvi-search-functions to find out which genes will show up first. Alternatively, you can you anvi-export-functions to look at a full list of the functional annotaitons in this database).
anvi-export-locus -c contigs-db \ --num-genes 2 \ -o GLYCO_DIRECTORY \ -O Glyco \ --search-term âGlycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesisâ \
You also have the option to specify an annotation source with the flag --annotation source
Provide a specific gene caller ID.
anvi-export-locus -c contigs-db \ --num-genes 2 \ -o output_directory \ -O GENE_1 \ --gene-caller-ids 1
Provide a search term for the HMM source annotations. To do this, you must also specify an hmm-source. (You can use the flag --list-hmm-sources
to list the available sources).
anvi-export-locus -c contigs-db \ --num-genes 2 \ -o Ribosomal_S20p \ -O Ribosomal_S20p \ --use-hmm \ --hmm-source Bacteria_71 \ --search-term Ribosomal_S20p
and provide two flanking genes that define the locus region.anvi-export-locus -c contigs-db \ --flank-mode \ -o locus_output \ -O gyclo_to_acyl \ --search-term âGlycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesisâ,âAcyl carrier proteinâ \
You can also remove partial hits, ignore reverse complement hits, or overwrite all files in a pre-existing output.
Edit this file to update this information.
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tag in this file to see an example.