misc-data-amino-acids [artifact]


A CONCEPT-type anvi’o artifact. This artifact is typically generated, used, and/or exported by anvi’o (and not provided by the user)..

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Provided by

anvi-import-misc-data anvi-run-interacdome

Required or used by

anvi-delete-misc-data anvi-export-misc-data


This is a section of your contigs-db that contains custom additional information about specific amino acid residues.

Take a look at this blogpost for potential uses in the InteracDome (which will likely be added to anvi’o in v7) and the motivation behind this program.

Similarly to other types of miscellaneous data (like misc-data-items), this information is either numerical or categorical and can be populated into a contigs-db (from a misc-data-amino-acids-txt) with anvi-import-misc-data. It is also displayed when you run anvi-show-misc-data and can be exported or deleted with anvi-export-misc-data and anvi-delete-misc-data respectively.

For example, this could describe various key residues for binding to ligands, or residues otherwise determined to be important to the user for whatever reason.

Edit this file to update this information.