Export splits and the coverage table from database.
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profile-db contigs-db
This program returns the nucleotide-level coverage data for a specific set of the splits or gene in your profile-db.
If you want to get the coverage data for all splits in your profile-db, run anvi-export-splits-and-coverages with the flag --splits-mode
Simply provide a profile-db and contigs-db pair and specify which splits, or gene, you want to look at. You have three ways to do this:
)anvi-get-split-coverages -p profile-db \ -c contigs-db \ -o coverages-txt \ --split-name Day17a_QCcontig9_split_00003
anvi-get-split-coverages -p profile-db \ -c contigs-db \ -o coverages-txt \ -b bin \ -C collection
You can list all collections available with --list-collections
or all bins in a collection with --list-bins
. Alternatively, you could run anvi-show-collections-and-bins on your profile-db to get a more comprehensive overview.
anvi-get-split-coverages -p profile-db \ -c contigs-db \ -o coverages-txt \ --gene-caller-id 25961 \ --flank-length 500
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