The purpose of this page is to visualize the interconnected nature of anvi'o concepts and programs. Visit our help pages for more information on anvi'o programs and concepts.
Through its modular design principles, anvi'o resembles LEGO, where the same simple blocks can build non-identical complex structures. Interfaces between anvi'o tools are established by self-contained databases that are generated, modified, queried, visualized, and merged with other databases through atomic anvi'o programs. Through this modularity, anvi'o aims to empower microbiologists without imposing rigid workflows or adding substantial limitations on creativity and to help them explore large datasets through their unique and diverse approaches.
You can zoom-in, zoom-out and move the network around. If you click on any item on this page, you will see how to acquire that item and what you can do with it: red lines show where is it coming from, and green lines show where can you go with it. The descriptions of each icon is below.

An anvi'o program.

An anvi'o database (special data storage files generated and accessed by anvi'o programs).

An anvi'o concept. Things that are meaningful within anvi'o, generated or used by anvi'o programs.

An anvi'o display for interactive data analysis and visualization.

A TAB-delimited text file.

FASTA-formatted file for sequences in DNA or amino acid alphabet.

Binary SAM, a common file format for widely used mapping software to report short read alignments.

Data files that are often downloaded from external sources.

An anvi'o bin that describes one or more items. Depending on the context, and item could be a contig, gene cluster, or a user-defined concept.

An anvi'o collection. A collection describes one or more bins.

A collection of HMMs. Besides default anvi'o collections, these can be provided by the user.

A JSON-formatted file.

An XML-formatted file.

A NEWICK-formatted file.

Summary of numerical information.

An SVG file to generate publication-quality figures.

Anvi'o static summary output HTML page. These are extensive reports of data that can be browsed without an anvi'o installation.