

A DB-type anvi’o artifact. This artifact is typically generated, used, and/or exported by anvi’o (and not provided by the user)..

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Provided by

anvi-setup-kegg-data anvi-setup-user-modules

Required or used by



A type of database containing information from either A) the KEGG MODULE database and KEGG BRITE database, or B) user-defined metabolic modules, for use in metabolism estimation and/or functional annotation of KEGG Orthologs (KOs).

These databases are part of the kegg-data and user-modules-data directories. You can get one on your computer by running anvi-setup-kegg-data or anvi-setup-user-modules. Programs that rely on this type of database include anvi-run-kegg-kofams and anvi-estimate-metabolism.

Most users will never have to interact directly with this kind of database. However, for the brave few who want to try this (or who are figuring out how anvi’o works under the hood), there is some relevant information below.

Database Contents

The modules table

In the current implementation, data about each metabolic pathway (from the KEGG MODULE database, or from user-defined modules) is present in the modules table, which looks like this:

module data_name data_value data_definition line
M00001 ENTRY M00001 Pathway 1
M00001 NAME Glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway), glucose => pyruvate NULL 2
M00001 DEFINITION (K00844,K12407,K00845,K00886,K08074,K00918) (K01810,K06859,K13810,K15916) (K00850,K16370,K21071,K00918) (K01623,K01624,K11645,K16305,K16306) K01803 ((K00134,K00150) K00927,K11389) (K01834,K15633,K15634,K15635) K01689 (K00873,K12406) NULL 3
M00001 ORTHOLOGY K00844 hexokinase/glucokinase [EC:] [RN:R01786] 4
M00001 ORTHOLOGY K12407 hexokinase/glucokinase [EC:] [RN:R01786] 4
(…) (…) (…) (…) (…)

For the MODULES.db that comes out of anvi-setup-kegg-data, these data correspond to the information that can be found on the KEGG website for each metabolic module - for an example, you can see the page for M00001 (or, alternatively, its flat text file version from the KEGG REST API).

The USER_MODULES.db that comes out of anvi-setup-user-modules contains similar information, but defined by the user instead of downloaded from the KEGG website.

In either case, the module column indicates the module ID number while the data_name column indicates what type of data the row is describing about the module. These data names are usually fairly self-explanatory - for instance, the DEFINITION rows describe the module definition and the ORTHOLOGY rows describe the enzymes belonging to the module - however, for an official explanation, you can check the KEGG help page.

The data_value and data_definition columns hold the information corresponding to the row’s data_name; for ORTHOLOGY fields these are the enzyme accession number and its functional annotation, respectively. Not all rows have a data_definition field.

Finally, some rows of data originate from the same line in the original KEGG MODULE text file; these rows will have the same number in the line column. Perhaps this is a useless field. But it is there.

The BRITE hierarchies table

In database version 4 or later, there is the option to include KEGG BRITE data in the modules database when setting one up using anvi-setup-kegg-data. If this is done, the database will include a table called brite_hierarchies which stores the set of functional hierarchies that each KEGG Ortholog belongs to. It will look like this:

hierarchy_accession hierarchy_name ortholog_accession ortholog_name categorization
ko00001 KEGG Orthology (KO) K00844 HK; hexokinase [EC:] 09100 Metabolism»>09101 Carbohydrate metabolism»>00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis [PATH:ko00010]
ko00001 KEGG Orthology (KO) K00844 HK; hexokinase [EC:] 09100 Metabolism»>09101 Carbohydrate metabolism»>00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism [PATH:ko00051]
ko00001 KEGG Orthology (KO) K00844 HK; hexokinase [EC:] 09100 Metabolism»>09101 Carbohydrate metabolism»>00052 Galactose metabolism [PATH:ko00052]
ko00001 KEGG Orthology (KO) K00844 HK; hexokinase [EC:] 09100 Metabolism»>09101 Carbohydrate metabolism»>00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism [PATH:ko00500]
ko00001 KEGG Orthology (KO) K00844 HK; hexokinase [EC:] 09100 Metabolism»>09101 Carbohydrate metabolism»>00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism [PATH:ko00520]
(…) (…) (…) (…) (…)

These data are coming from the JSON files describing each BRITE hierarchy that can be downloaded from the KEGG BRITE website. For an example, click here.

The first four columns in this table are hopefully self-explanatory from the column names. In the categorization column, different functional categorization levels are separated by the >>> character.

The database hash value

In the self table of this database, there is an entry called hash. This string is a hash of the contents of the database (specifically, it is a hash of the module and enzyme accessions in the database), and it allows us to identify the version of the data within the database. This value is important for ensuring that the same MODULES.db is used both for annotating a contigs database with anvi-run-kegg-kofams and for estimating metabolism on that contigs database with anvi-estimate-metabolism.

You can easily check the hash value by running the following:

anvi-db-info modules-db

It will appear in the DB Info section of the output, like so:

DB Info (no touch also)
num_modules ..................................: 443
total_entries ................................: 13720
creation_date ................................: 1608740335.30248
hash .........................................: 45b7cc2e4fdc

If you have annotated a contigs-db using anvi-run-kegg-kofams, you would find that the corresponding hash in that contigs database matches to this one:

anvi-db-info contigs-db

DB Info (no touch also)
modules_db_hash ..............................: 45b7cc2e4fdc

Other important values in the self table

The data_source key will tell you if the current database was generated from KEGG data using anvi-setup-kegg-data or from user-defined metabolic modules using anvi-setup-user-modules.

The annotation_sources key will list the functional annotation sources that are required to annotate all enzymes found in the module definitions.

Here is an example of what these fields look like for a KEGG MODULES.db:

DB Info (no touch also)
data_source ..................................: KEGG
annotation_sources ...........................: KOfam

And here is an example of what they look like for a USER_MODULES.db:

DB Info (no touch also)
data_source ..................................: USER
annotation_sources ...........................: KOfam,UpxZ,COG20_FUNCTION

Querying the database

If you want to extract information directly from a modules database, you can do it with a bit of SQL :)

Here is one example, which obtains the name of every module in the default KEGG database:

# learn where the MODULES.db is:
export ANVIO_MODULES_DB=`python -c "import anvio; import os; print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(anvio.__file__), 'data/misc/KEGG/MODULES.db'))"`
# get module names:
sqlite3 $ANVIO_MODULES_DB "select module,data_value from modules where data_name='NAME'" | \
    tr '|' '\t' > module_names.txt

Loading the database in Python

The modules database class has plenty of helpful functions defined for it. You can easily load one in Python and use these functions to access the data within. Here is how you load the database:

import anvio
import argparse
import os
from anvio import kegg

args = argparse.Namespace()
path_to_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(anvio.__file__), 'data/misc/KEGG/MODULES.db')
db = kegg.ModulesDatabase(path_to_db, args)

Once you have done this, you can start to use the helper functions. For example, the following function will return a list of all paths through a module:


Edit this file to update this information.