A DB-type anvi’o artifact. This artifact is typically generated, used, and/or exported by anvi’o (and not provided by the user)..
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A tRNA-seq database contains information on tRNA sequences predicted from a single tRNA-seq sample.
This database is the key output of anvi-trnaseq. That program predicts which reads are tRNA through structural profiling, clusters tRNA reads into discrete biological sequences, and predicts the positions of nucleotide modifications.
The series of steps implemented in anvi-trnaseq sequentially adds the following information to the database.
This database is the key input to anvi-merge-trnaseq, which takes one or more databases comprising the samples in an experiment and generates a trnaseq-contigs-db of tRNA seed sequences and trnaseq-profile-dbs. These tRNA-seq variant contigs and profile databases can then be manipulated and displayed in anvi’o like normal contigs-dbs and profile-dbs.
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