Populate additional data or order tables in pan or profile databases for items and layers, OR additional data in contigs databases for nucleotides and amino acids (the Swiss army knife-level serious stuff).
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pan-db profile-db
misc-data-items misc-data-layers
This program enables extending anvi’o projects with many kinds of additional data. Additional data will extend anvio’ interactive displays, and appear in summary files, and become accessible to other anvi’o programs thorughout.
This program can add additional data for your items or layers in a pan-db or profile-db, or add additional data for your nucleotides or amino acids in a contigs-db
You also have the option to associate keys with only a specific data group, or transpose the input before processing.
Also see the program anvi-show-misc-data, anvi-export-misc-data, and anvi-delete-misc-data.
Please see this blog post for a comprehensive documentation on these misc data types.
This feature lets you import additional data about specfic residues or specific base pairs into your contigs-db. This is especially useful for strucutral analysis (so when running programs like anvi-display-structure) and will be very relevant to the InteracDome functionality when it’s added in anvi’o v7 (curious readers can take a look at this blog post).
When adding additional data, unlike with layers and items, you do not have to provide values for every single nucleotide in your database. With this program, you can easily provide data for only a select few.
Basically, you can add two types of data to your contigs database:
anvi-import-misc-data -c contigs-db \ -t nucleotides \ misc-data-nucleotides-txt
anvi-import-misc-data -c contigs-db \ -t amino_acids \ misc-data-amino-acids-txt
Edit this file to update this information.
Are you aware of resources that may help users better understand the utility of this program? Please feel free to edit this file on GitHub. If you are not sure how to do that, find the __resources__
tag in this file to see an example.